1. How to Whitelist an Email in Gmail
Step 1. Make sure that you are logged into Gmail.
Step 2. Locate the Settings button in the top right. It’s the little cog icon. Click that.
Step 3. You should now see a drop-down that gives you some shortcuts and asks you if you want to see all settings. Click See all settings.
Step 4. You should now be taken to another screen.
Step 5. From the top ribbon in the new menu, click Filters and blocked addresses.
Step 6. Click Create a new filter.
Step 7. To whitelist all emails from us, type in “@industrial.marketing” into the Never send it to spam section.
Step 8. If you want to whitelist a particular email address, you need to type in “nameofperson@emailaddress.com.”
Step 9. Click Create new filter.
Step 10. Choose Never send to spam.
Step 11. Click Save, and you’re done.
2. How to Whitelist an Email in Outlook
There are four different versions of Outlook so see this link from Microsoft which describes how to whitelist emails in each different version - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/add-recipients-to-the-safe-senders-list-in-outlook-be1baea0-beab-4a30-b968-9004332336ce#PickTab=New_Outlook