What is Page-Level Marketing?

What is Page-Level Marketing and why is it important to build the foundation of your website before implementing PLM?

Page-Level Marketing (PLM) is an SEO strategy where once a page is built out fully, you begin off-page authority building directly to that page to build page authority. A page rich with content helps your visitors know what you do and how you can help them with the proper Call-to-Actions on the page is ready to receive off-page authority building through backlinks and pay-per-click campaigns. Page-Level Marketing begins once on-page SEO is completed.

What Needs to Be Completed to Start with PLM?

PLM starts after foundational on-page SEO has been completed, where Industrial Marketing works with you to make sure your page has the following:

  1. Keyword Research and Selection - What is the focus of this page and what keyword should be used to support the page?
  2. Title Tag and Meta Description optimization - This ensures these important tags have the page's starting focus keyword in place to start the ranking process for this page and to signal to Google and potential visitors what this page is about.
  3. Content Creation and/or Optimization - A Content Worksheet will be created for the page's current content or future content. This worksheet includes Content Guidelines and TF-IDF keywords that should be included in the copy. If this is a new page, the content will need to be written with the selected focus keyword; if this is a current page, the focus keyword will need to be incorporated into the content.
  4. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) - A Call-to-Action (CTA) will need to be included on your page to take in leads for this topic, be it a service, product, or industry page. CTAs that work well are Request for Information, Request a Quote, Ask an Expert, or a downloadable asset that captures emails.

Once these important elements of on-page SEO are complete, your page is ready for off-page support, AKA Page-Level Marketing.

How Does a Page Build Authority Through PLM?

Once a page has these elements incorporated, Industrial Marketing starts to build authority campaigns through off-page SEO using backlinks and pay-per-click campaigns.

  • Backlinks - Simply put, backlinks are links that point to your website from other websites. Think of them as a "vote of confidence" from the sites that give your website a backlink, telling Google that your page has valuable content. By building backlinks from high-authority websites, you can build the authority of your website over time.
  • Pay-Per-Click Campaigns - While authority is being built for your website to increase organic ranking results, a PPC campaign can quickly move your page to the front page of Google as an ad. 

When Does PLM Start?

Page-Level Marketing is the goal of completing a page of content and starts once all the important elements are on your page, specifically focus keywords and a CTA. Without these elements, not only will Google not understand how to rank your page but visitors don't have an easy way to get in touch with you for questions, quotes, or to start working with you.

