Keyword Gap Analysis Guide

Using the Keyword Gap Analysis you can build a strong strategy to outrank your competitors.

Part of getting your content on the first page of Google is to optimize it with keywords. Learning what keywords (search queries) your competitors are ranking for that you don't provide optimization opportunities to capture search traffic away from your competitors. You also gain insight into the language searchers use to find those pages.

This analysis can also provide insight into what blog posts you may want to create to support your main service and product pages allowing you to build out a full content strategy and calendar. 

Keywords Your Competitors Rank For... But You Don't

This Keyword Gap Analysis shows the keywords your competitors are ranking for, but you aren't (yet). Finding under-utilized keywords with high volume but low competition allows you to "own" a keyword. This is an opportunity to create new content for your site or add it to existing content!

This is part of the early stages of keyword research when we look for specific keywords to get your page ranking higher in the search results. We know these keywords work to rank your competitor's pages and will work for your site too.

Keywords You Rank For... But Lower Than Your Competitors

This Keyword Gap Analysis shows the keywords that both you and your competitors rank for, but your rankings are lower than theirs. By auditing your current content against the keyword, you can optimize current pages to be more content (and keyword) rich to increase your ranking.

This step helps our backlinking team understand what keywords need a little ranking boost to be at or above your competitor's search results

Keywords You Rank For... But Your Competitors Don't

This Keyword Gap Analysis shows the keywords you dominate over your competitors. This is great!

Using Keyword Gaps as a Content Strategy

Create New Content

If you find a keyword your competitor is ranking for, for example, a service you provide, but don't have a page on your site promoting that, you can create content using the keyword to start ranking for that keyword.

Another example is a long-tail keyword (READ: Short-Tail vs Long-Tail Keywords) that would make a great blog post, which can be used to elevate the ranking of your main service or product category pages by linking to them in the content (known as a Pillar Page Strategy).

Optimize Current Pages

There will be many great keywords that can support your current pages. By auditing the keyword against the current content, you can gain insight into the best way to incorporate that phrase into the content you already have. 

Our SEO process involves creating a Content Worksheet (READ: What is a Content Worksheet?) to help you optimize your content. You are provided with a current page audit, Content Guidelines to help optimize the text, and a TF-IDF Report that shows additional keywords you can include in the copy to help rank.

If you have any questions about your Keyword Gap Analysis, please reach out to your Customer Success Rep to discuss!
